kat's korner

Friday, December 9

why can't I stop watching the facts of life?

oh yeah i remember. damn.

here's what I've been thinking about lately:

1. How does Tootie spell her name?
2. Why don't I hang out with Gilbert Godfried more?
3. I feel like food calories should be proportionate to cost.
4. I wish the hair dye had seeped into my head so my blonde roots wouldn't show.
5. Why wont Natalie stop talking about fucking food?
6. I really want some boots flat foot style to wear with skirts
7. Because you're mine I walk the line
8. Tootie you could never be a model
9. I think way too much about the facts of life
10. i'm tired of:
a. pregnant woman
b. mrs. garrett
c. working
d. watching tootie at a photo shoot
e. not having a boyfriend


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