kat's korner

Sunday, October 23

and then i found 5 dollars.

I'm a terrible storyteller so all of my stories should end in that, but i'll keep this one to the point, I got out of my car in a parking lot today and found five dollars. It's in my purse.

I went out with Callie, Shane, Jenna, Bobby, and Megan last night it was alot of fun, but hopefully next week's halloween party will be even funner. funner should be a real word. I'm going as a flight attendent. Did I already write that?

In 12 hours they will be telling me when I'm getting my wisdom teeth out and I'm totally freaked out about it. I just hope they give me lots of good drugs.

And because callie tagged me... (an abridged version)

Four SNACKS I ENJOY: twizzlers, popcorn, grapes, pineapple

FIVE BAD HABITS:• eating too much, sleeping too much, talking too much, not talking at all, being a big dumb bitch

FIVE FAVORITE TV SHOWS: arrested development, golden girls, strangers with candy, oprah, law and order:svu

FIVE FICTIONAL CHARACTERS I WOULD DATE: GOB Bluth, Seth Cohen from the OC, Ritchie Tenenbaum, zach morris, ethan hawke in reality bites

FIVE PEOPLE I TAG: (I'm only doing two... because I am a loser, too) holly, becky


  • At 10:59 AM, Blogger cal cal said…

    The Halloween party is going to be SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO fun! I absolutely cannot wait!

  • At 12:19 PM, Blogger amanda said…

    so sorry i didn't call or e-mail or comment earlier about Fran's address. I was in LA when you called and I listend to the messag and then just completely forgot. SO SORRY!! I am working on the address. I know my mom has it. I will get it to you sooooooonnnnn! We should hang out. have you been to Atlantic Station yet? I haven't I want to go... with you?

  • At 5:18 PM, Blogger amanda said…

    7755 University Station
    Clemson, SC 29632

  • At 8:50 PM, Blogger Dollar Boner said…

    I feel so honored...

  • At 1:35 AM, Blogger amanda said…

    Thursday would be awesome!


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