kat's korner

Monday, May 7

Did you hear the good news?

Oprah is supporting Barack O'bama.

where oprah goes america follows.

I've been out of school for almost a week now. I went to the gym today, and then I ate my weight in burritos. oops.

tomorrow i have two doctor appointments, which I accidentally scheduled too close together. oops again.

oh and in a few weeks, I don't know when, I'm having a party. well i mean we'll hang out at my house and then go out somewhere I guess for a while because I finally got my id! Thanks to the american institution that is known as Megan Tribble.

so anyway not much news just a sweet 5 weeks off before I have to go back to school just like Rodney Dangerfield. And I mean JUST like Rodney Dangerfield-- I'm going to wear a bathrobe and smoke a cigar.


  • At 11:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I hope you do wear a bathrobe and smoke a cigar. Yes you should have a party...well have several if you want, so hopefully I can come to one of these shindigs! I'll be home in like, umm 3 weeks? we need to go out with your newfound id. yay.


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