kat's korner

Tuesday, February 22

my polish is chipping

My Ipod is really fond of the Nirvana song, "Jesus Don't Want Me for a Sunbeam", but it starts out with this accordian solo and everytime it comes on I think its a weird al song, and then I'm like who put weird al on my Ipod?

I'm in my computer lab, but they haven't told us what to do yet, so you know I'm not doing anything.

I don't remember if I already said this, but there's a girl in this class who looks just like me. Except she's I feel, a more unattractive version, who dresses really grossily. Perhaps thats what makes her more unnatractive.

On friday I'm going to see the Wesleyan play with Callie because Andy is wearing a fat suit hahaha I can't wait.

This kid sitting next to me could be 30. He seems really stressed out. But that really fake stressed out where you have to tell everyone how stressed out you are all the time. Gross. He uses a liberal amount of hair gel and has wrap around sun glasses. Its strange how two facts from someone's appearance can tell you most of their personality.

My outfit today:
1. blue below knee JCrew skirt
2. cream and orange cardigan also from Jcrew
3. "I survived the Swamp"- Honey Creek tshirt
4. Camel patent leather shoes

I usually don't wear this much Jcrew. I must say I'm enjoying it though.

ugh the kid who just walked in I can smell the tobacco from here. tobacco is whacko dude. haha but seriously you smell awful.


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