kat's korner

Monday, August 22


Setting: Nightime, dark room, Katherine passed out on floor next to cellphone

(annoying steel drum music starts blaring)

Katherine: (to no one in particular) 5am what the fuck?

Katherine: (to cellphone) uhhh hello.

Annonymous caller: Hi Katherine this is the Gwinnett County Police.

K.: Who died?

Police man: Are you the manager of the Baby's Room?

K: haha NO. why?

P: It was robbed.

K: Stumbling looking for door. You need to call Jeffrey. Cohen. C-o-h-e-n. where did you get my number?

P: A list.

K: I gotta go.

5-6 lay in silence sure that someone is coming to kill me.

6am leave Vinings to return home.


that was a bad play and a worse morning, well it was pretty entertaining, but still who steals? All they could steal was this charity bank and the cash register which we never keep more than 20 dollars in.

When I got to the store at 6:30 Jeffrey was sweeping up glass in his pajamas.

The night before I had a good time at Callie's, it was fun.

Today I've watched I heart Huckabees 4 times. I'm watching it again. Since when did I turn into Uncle Andy from Family Ties? Those two sentences aren't related.

So I think I'm going to become a vegetarian because I'm already there. Take a look around.

If I wasn't such a social retard I would be back at school tonight waiting for the first day of school tomorrow. whew dodged a bullet? Or did it hit me?


  • At 12:08 AM, Blogger Jenna Bean said…

    That last sentence was almost poetic...I love it. You crack me up sooo much...I looked at your Nashville pictures and laughed real hard...ha ha ha...I'll be sure to sneak into the Krystal's building and bombard the test kitchen...and of course, go to White Castle.

  • At 1:08 AM, Blogger Becky said…

    Uncle Andy, is that you? Why are you drinking cough syrup and maraschino cherries in our dark pantry at 4 am? Do you have a...a...drinking problem? After we set up that job interview for you at Steven's public television station? YOU NEED HELP, UNCLE ANDY. HELP IS WHAT YOU NEED.

    And you also need to watch Huckabees some more. Quickly, now! now!!

  • At 2:41 PM, Blogger cal cal said…

    Glad you had fun! Sorry you had to leave!


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