kat's korner

Wednesday, January 4

fucking big brother

so 2006 hasn't gotten off to the greatest start ever, but I'm willing to forgive:

1. There's a short in my car so my lighter wont work, which is a real inconvienence
2. My car wont tell me the time
3. Fucking big brother Duluth gov't gave me a 70 dollar ticket for running a fucking red light
4. Cramps
5. My dog ripped a hole in the sweater I bought yesterday, today
6. I went to Wesleyan yesterday (why? I still don't know)

So 2006, this is your last chance. Well you know not really because what we have 348 more days to go? Wait why have I never known how many days are in a year? It was just one of those things I refused to learn like the explorers or how many days are in the months or the number of bones in the body. 606? 311? I have no idea.

  • 365 days in a year
  • “Thirty days hath September,
    April, June and November;
    February has twenty-eight alone,
    All the rest have thirty-one;
    Excepting leap year: that’s the time
    When February’s days are twenty-nine.”
  • 206 bones in the body, whoa I was way off

I'm sorry I'm retarded 2006, but not as sorry as I am about you being retarded.


  • At 6:11 PM, Blogger Jenna Bean said…

    Yo Kat...I'm sorry that you aren't having a great time in the ATL! I'm having a blast in Ireland, so I'll have fun for you! I chickened out because I couldn't make it up the castle steps to the stone...oh well...the only thing that is good about kissing the stone is that you will get the "gift of gab" which I def. don't need...well, have fun and I'll call you when I get back!

  • At 2:45 PM, Blogger cal cal said…

    I miss you kat! this is my first time online in like a month.

    we'll get together soon.


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