kat's korner

Wednesday, December 27

defend me

I missed my kat's korner anniversary! I'm so sorry I'll bring some cheap flowers and old candy.

Christmas was pleasant and then Holly's birthday was fun. mysterious bruises abound.

So end of the year list please, I'll gladly oblige.

10 Most Listened to songs from my ipod of 2006:
1. God Only Knows- The Beach Boys (tie)
1. Reflections- Diana Ross and the Supremes (tie)
3. Wheels on Fire- The Magic Numbers
4. Holly Hobby- Casiotone for the PainfullyAlone
5. I Love Creedence - Casiotone for the Painfully Alone
6. Nashville- Casiotone for the Painfully Alone
7. Everyone Has to Learn- Beck
8. New Year's Kiss- Casiotone for the Painfully Alone
9. Young Shields- Casiotone for the Painfully Alone
10. Cold White Christmas- Casiotone for the Painfully Alone

Best tv show: Bob Newhart

Best Movie: Little Miss Sunshine? on no wait Borat.

5 Best albums:

1. "YS" Joanna Newsom
2. "Rabbit Fur Coat" Jenny Lewis & the Watson Twins
3. "Etiquette" Casiotone for the Painfully Alone
4. "The Greatest" Cat Power
5. "The Duchess" Fergie

Best Concert: Joanna Newsom

Best Move: to Decatur

Most Enjoyable Class: Film History

Best website: www.cosumerist.com


  • At 9:41 PM, Blogger Mary "trash biscuit" Stephenson said…

    Ms. Katherine,
    Thanks for the lovely party you threw last night in Ms. Holly's honor. It was just fantastic. I'm so sorry I left some of my things at your apartment. I'll be sure to come by and get them and bring you your Christmas gift. DEFEND ME!

  • At 12:33 PM, Blogger Jenna Bean said…

    Kat, that party was pretty fun...

    and "God Only Knows" by the BeachBoys is always a good one...my dad put all of our childhood videos on DVDs for my mom, sister and i to watch and there are numerous times in which i am dancing, 4 yrs old, half naked to that song...

    it gets me every time...it's definetly a good one!

  • At 3:37 AM, Blogger Jenna Bean said…

    Update!! I need a little Katherine in my life.


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