kat's korner

Wednesday, March 23

15 easy pieces

so the last post was witty and long and so interesting, but got erased so you'll have to take my word for it.

I'm in the SLC I have to take the Essay for the Regents Exam in about 15 minutes. I haven't written an essay in a couple of months so I'm a little nervous, but its ridiculous because the whole test is ridiculous. 77% of people pass and look at the competition, everyone in Georgia has to take it.

So anyway let's recount what I covered the first time I wrote this:
1. I sleep alot
2. GA State-- what classes shall I take and why are you so unorganized?
3. I walked out of my computer science citing political ideaologies.
4. I wish I were Jewish for the weekend so I wouldn't have to drive back to Atlanta this weekend
5. I hate gas prices
6. I spend too much money lately
7. I need a job
8. Do you know where I can get a job? High pay, flexible hours. hahaha me neither.
9. I'm wearing my new blue sweater (with green trim) today and people keep looking at me like I'm retarded. It might be the combonation that it makes with this skirt that isn't at all the same color green. oops.
10. I like the Smothers Brothers
11. Really I shouldn't have gone past 10
12. I have a Math Quiz tomorrow. I don't understand it at all. Yet, I feel the need to do well.
13. I need to get to 15
14. The guy sitting next to me smells strongly of man perfume.
15. They call it cologne, but lets get serious... this doesn't smell manly at all. Maybe its one of those Bisexual (or maybe that should be Asexual) perfumes by Calvin Klein.


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