it always ends with a list
it's tuesday!
I went to the gym and I got a haircut from japan! and I bought some cherry coke zero! WAIT WHAT?
I know I have only had maybe 2 cherry cokes in my life, and i thought they both tasted like cough syrup. So I'm thinking I should probably start loving cough syrup. or maybe i already did.
that should be the last line of a bad book.
tomorrow is half priced day at value village! What a gift. Thursday at 5:15 begins spring break! what what. I'm making the trek to new york to see my ole friend bitchface abrams. I'm excited.
I like my new haircut, but I am a little afraid that it might be a little too cool for me. and a little too thin for me. hence my trip to the gym. it'll work itself out.
I should clean my apartment. In fact I have a whole list of things to do.
you want to see? I thought so, but I'll show you anyway:
1. pick up shoes
2. hang up clothes
3. fold laundry
4. dispose of dead flowers
5. register for summer classes
6. sleep
7. pay the rent
8. buy a marta pass
9. buy groceries
10. end this list.
At 10:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
that puppet is also the scariest thing I have seen in a while. another VV half price day? fuck, i miseed it. I hope you went, and got bargains, and not sick like that time we all went. anyways. when do you leave for ny? it seems like i haven't talked to you in forever, at least since that time we got huge pancakes at that place.
At 5:01 PM,
Mary "trash biscuit" Stephenson said…
Have you been robotripping lately? haha how was spring break? How was bitchface? I want to see your new haircut! I'll be in the ATL in like 2 weeks so we have to hang out :)
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