kat's korner

Tuesday, May 3

because my eyes are huge i am able to see more

man alive i slept alot today!

1am - 12pm Sleep



Yeah I guess Claritin does make you tired, tired and lazy.

I firgured out that if I get a 94 on my Math final I can make an "A" in the class because I bombed the last test. And I can make as low as a 67 and still get a "B." But Law and Order lasted 2 hours tonight and they didn't even warn me. assholes at NBC.

I cannot wait to get out of here, or can I wait forever.

I might have found a job for the summer, I definatly found a school to go to. I'm signed up almost I guess.

Today I am disgusted by my eating habits. Today I am disgusted. Today is Tuesday I really must start studying.

this was boring. but you know beat it, just beat it.

so i went downstairs to try to study. I packed my bookbag of all things. brought all supplies needed, and of course my Ipod because I cannot even pretend to study without music.

5 minutes later:
Supplies spread out in front of me,ipod shuffle on.. complaints from neighbors.

10 minutes later:
complainy neighbor starts to ruffle papers and talk to other neighbor. i stare until he stops.

10 minutes later:
gather supplies try to find new place to study... unsuccessful...mix cocktail.

So I can't even find a freaking place to study, because lord knows I can't study in my room I'm way to distracted. LESS THEN A WEEK OF THIS FUCKING SHITHOLE


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