kat's korner

Thursday, May 5

streaks on the china never mattered before WHO CARES?

i loved high fidelity. in honor of the book i forgot about and because everyone else seems to be making lists of things about college here we go:

5 things I will miss about UGA:
1. Meatloaf in the cafeteria
2. guiltless napping
3. dollar movie
4. HBO
5. the bus

5 reasons those reasons don't add up to anyone ever staying anywhere:
1. I make a better meatloaf
2. I can nap anywhere at anytime
3. I haven't been to the dollar movie in 4 months
4. I'm sick of watching Toys anyway
5. I feel Marta can more than provide the public transportation experience I crave

I'm really cruisin' for a bruisin' on the math exam. I just woke up from a nap. I haven't studied at all, and its in 19 hours. Plus I'm really hungry and the last thing I ever want to do is study ever.

BUT THIS IS THE LAST TIME I WILL EVER HAVE TO STUDY MATH, but then again I believe having that same sentiment last year at this time. Remember a little thing called Pre-Calculus that bitchslapped you right up until Graduation Day? Because I do. I do.

I love the sound of fast errorless typing. It might be my favorite sound:
Top 5 favorite sounds:
1. errorless fast typing
2. boink boink from law and order SVU
3. shower
4. stall
5. singers

hahaha i couldn't come up with three more.

Least favorite sounds:
1. other people typing
2.yelling or loud talking anything loud
3. farting
4. vacuum
5. roommate snoring


  • At 4:58 PM, Blogger Becky said…

    I think "shower" "stall" and "singers" are numbers 3,4, and 5 on EVERYONE'S favorite sounds list.

    Hahahahaahahahahaha I'll never stop laughing! It was really loud this time!

  • At 1:02 AM, Blogger kitty tango said…

    1.) i love your lists
    2.) that's all


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