kat's korner

Wednesday, January 2

enablers apply within

so it's 2008!

I had a nice party at the place. and by the place I mean my apartment, and by nice I mean fine.

anyways last night i went to my parents for dinner and on the way out of the driveway I was calling Maude a bitch because I can't ever get her to unlock and I have to go to the passenger side and blow into the lock to get it to work. And as I coasted to a stop at the last stop sign Maude turned off! No lights, no power, no electricity! That bitch died on me! I was pounding on her hood. Turns out that the battery almost exploded! oopps!

But she's all fine and good now. And I have to get her oil changed tomorrow. Happy 10th birthday maude! I love you, but you're a real bitch!

things to do tomorrow:
1. go buy january marta pass
2. go to best buy- to buy camera case
3. go to barnes and noble for healthy cooking book
4. high museum
5. call everyone I ever knew
6. sleep late
7. buy candlesticks
8. Watch more night court than anyone should be allowed to
9. fuck-- write thank you notes, I almost forgot

ps for christmas I got a new camera and I love it. I'll try to take some not-sucky pictures and upload them to here. Hope you're 2008 is fantastic!


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