kat's korner

Tuesday, April 18

if you don't like the fiery furnaces, i don't like you.

and it's the truth.

That doesn't count for you, internet classes. Even if you were the duke of loving the fiery furnaces I would still detest you. You make me miserable, and I do not wish to be miserable.

So not a whole lot is going on. I'm trying to do these internet classes to no avail. I'm working on the whole apartment thing, which hopefully should become a sure thing very soon. And I go to work, which will soon be ending.

I gave up soda, I would say Coke, but I don't feel that would get my point across as well. This morning I drank coffee and I hadn't had any caffeine in so long that my hands were literally shaking all morning.

If there's such a thing as love.

jane fonda is on david letterman tonight. i love hot glue guns and the endless oppurtunity they present. I have to paint the table and all the chairs black as night.

I need to finish 10 lessons in April. 1 down 9 grueling heart breaking lessons to go.

I'm staring at the McAllister's family portrait. My eyes are about to shut. Don't give up.


  • At 8:40 PM, Blogger Mary "trash biscuit" Stephenson said…

    When you wrote McAllister's I thought Flash McAllister? Remember that kid? haha he actually had Flash on his letter jacket and everything....whatever that was about...
    Good luck with the classes and apartment :)

  • At 1:00 AM, Blogger Becky said…

    Oh did his jacket say "flash?" I thought it said "douche." Funny how our eyes can misread things.

    more and more a fan of fiery furnaces as the time goes on

    I just wrote a thing about letterman and then I checked your blog and saw that you wrote about jane fonda on letterman! letterman letterman letterman getting a lot of play on the internet tonight. YOU'RE WELCOME, DAVID.

  • At 1:24 PM, Blogger cal cal said…

    i also hate school.

    what are your weekend plans? shanes in vegas...i'm on my own...


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