guess what ben affleck. i don't care how you quit smoking.
smoking smells awful. and so does ben affleck. heath ledger died. i mean sad. but who knew how many of my friends were affected? that was funny.
today is making doctor appointment day. or make plans to make appointment day! I hate going to the doctor's office, so i figured it would go perfectly with my least favorite day of the week. TUESDAY. I have to go to school for 9 hours on tuesday. that's like a real work day. its like if I was one of the 3 heroines from 9 to 5 and that would be me. I know exciting and repulsive all wrapped up into one fail swoop.
I've always liked tuesdays and despised wednesdays. but this semester was a reverse of fortune. i only have one class on wed. evenings, which is lovely.
So tomorrow i have to go to the eye doctor, and call the gyno, and I should find a dentist too. oh geez. i hate the dentist. I should go all in one day and get it over with. Once I had to go to 3 doctor's appointments on my birthday. That's probably when I started hating my birthday.
Anyway last weekend was lovely. I took a 6 day weekend because I only have one late afternoon class on wednesday and it was already snowing so i was like i better skip wednesday and thursday classes and work on saturday (IT SNOWED AGAIN!). but I did have a lovely MLK DAY on Monday with Callie marching and screaming in the parade for Senator OBAMA! "THANK YOU KING FOR THE DREAM" Thank god someone picked up our posters at Starbucks so we could feel vindicated for our labourous tshirt and poster day (At least Lily can where her Obama shirt with pride to preschool). All in all it was a fun 2nd week of school 6-day break.
today is making doctor appointment day. or make plans to make appointment day! I hate going to the doctor's office, so i figured it would go perfectly with my least favorite day of the week. TUESDAY. I have to go to school for 9 hours on tuesday. that's like a real work day. its like if I was one of the 3 heroines from 9 to 5 and that would be me. I know exciting and repulsive all wrapped up into one fail swoop.
I've always liked tuesdays and despised wednesdays. but this semester was a reverse of fortune. i only have one class on wed. evenings, which is lovely.
So tomorrow i have to go to the eye doctor, and call the gyno, and I should find a dentist too. oh geez. i hate the dentist. I should go all in one day and get it over with. Once I had to go to 3 doctor's appointments on my birthday. That's probably when I started hating my birthday.
Anyway last weekend was lovely. I took a 6 day weekend because I only have one late afternoon class on wednesday and it was already snowing so i was like i better skip wednesday and thursday classes and work on saturday (IT SNOWED AGAIN!). but I did have a lovely MLK DAY on Monday with Callie marching and screaming in the parade for Senator OBAMA! "THANK YOU KING FOR THE DREAM" Thank god someone picked up our posters at Starbucks so we could feel vindicated for our labourous tshirt and poster day (At least Lily can where her Obama shirt with pride to preschool). All in all it was a fun 2nd week of school 6-day break.