kat's korner

Monday, June 25

my dad has a station wagon

I was popping some popcorn and I was like BLOGGY where have you gone? I'd forgotten you.

SO here I am bitches back from the a long days burney into night. wait what was that?

today I was off the hook at school. I got several big laughs in both of my classes. what a clown. the tears of a clown. you might be a clown, but watch out because the clown will come back to bite you. that's what mo'nique said last night in charm school and it makes sense to me.


why does that smell never go away?

last weekend was fun. hahaha my knee hurts like a bitch.

it's 9:11. don't blow me up. too soon?

I want to go to the movies all day tomorrow, but I'll be responsible instead and go in to school to do work. Lots of work. and see callie for lunch. Tuesdays are pleasant. Maybe my glasses will be ready? How awesome would that be. My glasses are so cute. you'll see them. you'll see me! haha.

Tuesday, June 19

free day free day

so let's see it's tuesday! I dropped my class the religion one, that awful one. I picked up a sociology class, it's boring but you know not sick like that religion one.

let's see what else is going on? I'm tired. I cut my hair. I dyed it. Some days its cute, some days it looks like I should be singing for my dinner with orphan annie.

my apartment is messy. real messy. disgusting. I should really clean.

tomorrow is wednesday i have class boo. Today I have to go downtown to do research for two papers. booo. but i'll see callie so that's fun.

saturday is baby boom haha. ugh i'm kind of tired just thinking about it.

this was boring i didn't have a ton to say. maybe i'll fix it later.

Tuesday, June 12

I've made a huge (career) mistake

hahahaha oops I got the job. He called me tonight and he was like you got the job! And I was all great, I'm an awesome embellisher. And I was on a high until I realized that I actually have to do the job. The editor was all yeah we're going to need a new masthead for the newspaper and the magazine by July 4th. So after I googled masthead I'm pretty sure I can do it. You can't fire me, I quit!

so classes started this week. french was bien because like half of the class is from west georgia and the teacher is from senegal and sounds just like the lobster from the little mermaid.

new testament is a whole different ballgame. Let me preface this by saying that I did not want to sign up for this class, it was forced on me by bad luck and the honor's department. Anyway I went to class today and 3/4 of the class is obnoxious grad students who are writing their thesis on the new testament. It's awesome. We spent an hour breaking down 11 verses from Mark.

And there's this butterball who honestly when I first saw it I had no idea if it was a man or a woman. It turns out it was a cindy. Cindy is like an ugly version of onion writer, Jean Teasdale. She spit her words out in this nasally whine and I swear to God she talked more than the professor. Please find below an account of the highlight of my class.

"I took 3 years of Latin in high school"
Me (in my head really loud, or out loud really softly-- I have no recollection)
"And we studied the gods, apollo and nike and blah blah blah and then my fellow classmate said the son of god, and I said the son of which god? hahahaha aaaahhhhh hahahaha. You see I had such a different perspective"
Me (head hits desk)


So yeah I love school.

My life has kind of gotten flipped upside down in the last week and I have to say I'm pretty confused, but at least it's exciting.

Wednesday, June 6

what color is my parachute?

the other day I was perusing the new facebook marketplace section and there was this ad for a GSU newspaper production manager. And so I was all yeah i can do that. Honestly, the GSU newspaper is horrible. It's seriously worse than those newspapers you printed in middle schools on that paper that you had to take the strips of holes off the sides of.

So anyway somehow this hubris has escalated to going in to interview for which I have no qualifications for. OOPS. So I figure since the pressure is off I'll just go in there and be my normal asshole self, which strangely enuogh is how I usually get jobs. That fuck you I don't need this job really appeals to bosses.

I was planning going in and talking about how the newspaper needs a total rehaul and how awful it is, but thankfully I went and did a little facebook research. The editor, who I had imagined from numerous book and movie portrayals as a marxist, alcoholic, scruffy haired, is in fact a "black, american (not african american), college republican." So here come the Laura Bush earrings-- out goes the O'Bama t-shirt. And the guy was an assistant editor last year so he probably really likes the newspaper.

so oh well I needed to go downtown anyway to return some books to the library so it wont be a totally fruitless journey. And I have to admit I really enjoy interviews. It's the same kind of sadistic joy I get from speaking in public. Quick three words to describe yourself.

lazy, lazier, dependable!
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