kat's korner

Monday, January 23

but tomorrow there's cat power

the internet for my laptop hasn't worked in a few months, which is my reason for never doing anything ever again because the basement smells like dogpoop because my mom wants new carpet. I guess we all have our reasons.

for those of you who are lucky enough to not live here, you might not know what a miserable day today was. It was cold and rained really hard all day.

for those of you who were lucky enough not to talk to me today, you might not know what a miserable mood I was in because of the rain etc.

hey maybe I'll lose some weight, I really need to.
hey maybe I'll jump in my car, wait i need to get it fixed.
hey maybe I'll just get drunk on apple wine, yeah that sounds more like it.

But yeah I do need to lose some weight, well more like a substantial amount. But you know losing weight is probably hard. I should just stop eating, its the thing I do that requires the most energy and money anyway. It's a plan! I'll take all the money I used to spend on food, and invest in supplements, to take so I feel full, and never have to eat again. And then with the left over money I'll join a gym and I wont leave the hotbox or the machine that jiggles your fat until I look like a cadaver.

Speaking of cadavers, today when I was googling myself I found my tombstone. The "G" is kind of rubbed out, so it looks like a "C" which would be my full name.

Thursday, January 19

Lookin' for love in all the wrong places

And now I have to get my haircut. Again. Geez. Sometimes I just wish it would stop growing.

Today I walked to the swim and tennis with ted and let him run free on the tennis courts. At first he was excited, but then he just wanted to lay down. I understood.

Then I bought a bra with my giftcard at Belk. Thanks grandparents. Then I went to TJ Maxx and finished off my giftcard day by buying more underwear. Thanks preacher aunt and uncle. The cashier really creeped me out by saying really innapropriate things. Transactions like that make me wish everything were self-checkout style.

So it turns out I'm not working 6 days a week, so I bought all that ikea stuff in vain, but I am enjoying it alot. Well I've only put together this cd storage system shelf I bought, but it holds every piece of media I own, plus some chatchkies. haha. I had forgotten that word.

Things I resolve to not let go on in 2006:
1. not going to college
2. my hatred for humanity
3. my living situation
4. my social situation

I didn't fly in 2005.
I didn't drive in 2003.
2006, will be the year without boats.

Tuesday, January 10

if you love stevie knicks so much why don't you go dress like her?

I purchased a dress on the slow boat from Singapore a few weeks ago, and it arrived last night. I have to admit it's pretty awesome. Very am-I-a-hippie-or-just-someone-who-enjoys-retro-clothing? I don't know either. Wait, I do. I could never be a hippie. I worry too much about money.

I went to Ikea last night with Becky. I found alot of things to buy so then today I agreed to start working 6 days a week instead of 5, the sixth days funds being devoted entirely to Ikea purchases.

And then we hung out with Ms. Amanda Meng, and that was pretty cool, illiteracy does free you in a way.

Two nights ago I turned down some hot dates to wash out my panty hose and then I hung them up old school style on yarn to dry between the 4posters of my bed. And I haven't taken them down yet because they make me so happy to look at.

Ok so I really must start these internet classes tomorrow night, not tonight because Ms. Mary called me. A few weeks ago my cousin's girlfriend (a senior in an Alabama private school very much like Wesleyan) came to Christmas dinner, and she kept calling everyone ms. (blahblah). It sounded so fucking stupid. Everytime she did it it was all I could do not to parrot it back to her. So now everytime I say someone's name I have to imitate her in my head (Ms. Maaarry).

So I'm mean. Eat it.

Wednesday, January 4

fucking big brother

so 2006 hasn't gotten off to the greatest start ever, but I'm willing to forgive:

1. There's a short in my car so my lighter wont work, which is a real inconvienence
2. My car wont tell me the time
3. Fucking big brother Duluth gov't gave me a 70 dollar ticket for running a fucking red light
4. Cramps
5. My dog ripped a hole in the sweater I bought yesterday, today
6. I went to Wesleyan yesterday (why? I still don't know)

So 2006, this is your last chance. Well you know not really because what we have 348 more days to go? Wait why have I never known how many days are in a year? It was just one of those things I refused to learn like the explorers or how many days are in the months or the number of bones in the body. 606? 311? I have no idea.

  • 365 days in a year
  • “Thirty days hath September,
    April, June and November;
    February has twenty-eight alone,
    All the rest have thirty-one;
    Excepting leap year: that’s the time
    When February’s days are twenty-nine.”
  • 206 bones in the body, whoa I was way off

I'm sorry I'm retarded 2006, but not as sorry as I am about you being retarded.

Monday, January 2

The year I am 20.

All I can think about is being able to say so-and-so happened 20 years ago, and that year being 1986, and that actually being relative to me. And it creeps me out.

New Year's Eve was fun, or what I remember of New Year's Eve was fun. Apparently Holly and I left a funny message on my boss' cell phone. haha? So thanks to Mary for hosting a great party.

My car still smells really bad, and I tried to disperse the odor by using "oust" but it just made it smell worse and more noticeable.

So I'm really excited about going to the aquarium tomorrow, I hope it pans out. That was weird, when I was typing "going" my head was all "psstt... say 'seeing' and my hands were all I'll do what I want when I want and they typed 'going' because you know they always win out.

I have spent way too much money since Christmas so you know I guess I should stop, but you know that isn't going to stop me, the only thing that would stop me is a pair of scissors.
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