kat's korner

Friday, December 31

i am going to curl up with a nice book and by book i mean prostitute

ok so i have neglected you blog, and for that I apologize.

today is friday, new year's eve the last day of the year lets take a moment to reflect on katherine's year:

1. graduated from high school
2. got a real job
3. got a liscense
4. got a credit card
5. got a car
6. went to college
7. got a speeding ticket
8. got into the art school
9. went to new york (first flight)
10. got smashed for the first time

So yes, 2004 was a large year. It was a strange year. I did alot. I wouldn't have guessed this is where I would be today. Well i suppose I mean metaphysically. Like I probably would have guessed that I would be in bed haha.

so I worked everyother day this week, and it was fine, but I'm glad its over.

I need to call the athens medical center back. i wish they would leave me alone.

But I really need to take a shower.

I am unsure of my plans for tonight.
I would like my plans to involve the following:

1. friends
2. alcohol

I am lukewarm on my plans involving:
1. people I wasn't really friends with
2. regret

I also need to go to the Brighton store because the woman there last night was a huge bitch and tricked me into leaving my gift card.

I saw the Life Aquatic last night and I love Wes Anderson even more. I went to Walmart and purchased a red knit hat so I could be a member of Team Zissou. And now I am.

Ok I should get moving. Goodbye 2004, perhaps the most eventful year of my life. Well not eventful but the most milestone marking year of my life.

sincerely distant,

katherine c. turner

Wednesday, December 29

what was he thinking anyway?

so i have worked at the baby's room today and yesterday, and then like half hour before I was going to leave Sheryl, one of the owners was like do you want to work tomorrow? And I was like yeah I guess why not? because you know money is always nice, and I enjoy the baby's room no matter how many times I have to say "good morning the baby's room and child space" in one day. But I am quite exhausted. And I haven't shopped at all, I need to return some stuff.

I went to belk today because i have this credit to spend and the stupid employees wouldn't wait on me. pisser i was running late anyway.

gosh my eyes are about to close. i don't know what to wear tomorrow.

today i was driving back from getting lunch and the sun was shining and i was driving down 141 past school and towards the baby's room and it felt just like summer. it was such a weird sensation like the past 4 months never happened. It was strange and I'm tired.

I made a gingerbread man at annie's tonight, mine was "the regular man" and featured a wife beater, an inordinate amount of hair on chest and arms, jeans, stuble, and a beer belly.

Sunday, December 26

mouthofdasouth strikes again

there I said it. "Mothofdasouth" is my screenname on this blogger. why? I believe it has to do with my collection of Southern Shotglasses and my fascination for the inappropriate behavior of Ms. Fannie Flagg as a panelist on Match Game.

I have never quite settled on my opinion of the South. I think it's something like your family. Sometimes it embarrasses you and you wish it weren't around, but then if someone says something about it you get really defensive.

I think I might have accidentally quoted Jeff Foxworthy in the last paragraph and for that please accept my most sincere apologies.

Today was pleasant and I would like to thank everyone for their well wishes and for not hating me for being self-indulgent. I would also like to report that I took one of the most satisfying naps of my life today on the den couch. If anyone has had trouble sleeping lately please come over and you can use it. Heavenly.

My robe reminds me of a hotel, and so perhaps I will pretend like I live in a hotel like Royal Tenenbaum or Eloise or Paris Hilton. That's hot.

I ate some chocolate cake today and it made me sick. so why don't you decide Katherine's body? Are you allergic to chocolate or aren't you? Come on, fess up.

Because of my God-given napping abilities I am often unable to sleep at night. Go figure. As I have tired of the internet, movies, and books I am left with most peculiar activities such as washing the grout between the tile, counting the strands on the carpet, and painting endless coats of nailpolish. If anyone has any suggestions for more constructive activities I implore you to leave them in comment form.

And a Merry Christmas and Happy New Years to You and Yours.

eat it

Respect my Authoritie
eat it

Saturday, December 25

fuck that shit (a christmas story)

kat's korner

so this is definatly the strangest christmas eve I have ever had. Last night big christmas party blah blah today i was looking forward to because as I have mentioned, Christmas Eve is my favorite day of the year. Actually I was particularly looking forward to this one since my life has been shit for the last few months and I thought I could find something redeeming in Christmas.

Doesn't matter. so this morning i woke up to my phone ringing, but i was so tired so i just rolled over but then i got up and called my mom back and it boils down to this: Christmas Eve at the hospital my dad yeah. i don't know. i think he should be fine and come home tomorrow, they don't know what's wrong with him though, staying overnight, can't write complete sentences, this year must end.

so now here comes some major self pity me alone here at 11 on christmas eve my poor mother exhausted asleep alone in her room, my brother alone in his apartment downtown, and my dad alone at the hospital. I just don't understand when life started having to suck all the time. you know? I think there just should be some days reserved that don't totally fucking suck. and you know it makes me feel bad complaining about it because you know there are much worse situations that could happen but i think it was just when these bad things start to accumulate.

I really want to go for a drive or to a mass or something just get out of this freaking house, but I don't want my mom to wake up and freak out as she undoubtedly would.

So now I'm torn between my options for the rest of the night:

1. take a shower or bath
2. watch scrooged whilst being comforted by a screwdriver
3. go for a drive (obviously not after option 2)
4. pick the rest of the split ends out of my hair
5. Watch its a wonderful life with screwdriver

So this is christmas
And what have you done
Another year over
A new one just begun

So this is christmas
I hope you have fun
The near and the dear ones
The old and the young

And so this is christmas
For weak and for strong
For rich and for poor ones
The road is so long

And so happy christmas
Anda happy new year
Lets hope it’s a good one
Without any fear

War is over
If you want it
War is over now

So this is christmas
For black and for white
For yellow and red ones
Lets all stop the fight

Wednesday, December 22


kat's korner

it was a crazy night. haha.

Monday, December 20

kat's korner

kat's korner

I would just like to say that stuff rocks sometimes because you know I thought my GPA was going to freaking suck this semester like seriously I was worried about getting a "D" and a "C", turns out after exams both of those turned into "B"s and one I thought was going to be a "B" turned into an "A"! So woohoo for last minute studying and notecards. woohoo for us all!

off to spanglish...

Ms. Scrooge

Woohoo I didn't abandon this journal after the first entry, although I have to admit sadly enough this entry does feel a little bit labored. oh well.

So it's cold here, and apparently it snowed in Norcross, which is cool. It feels like it could snow in this room. haha "I'm dreaming of a White Christmas" just came on the radio, which brings me to a very important point: It doesn't feel like Christmas this year.

Seriously I can't believe its less than a week, I feel like such a freaking scrooge, even the kids i see around seem more jaded towards the idea of Christmas. All the materialism that surrounds it I guess just finally consumed it for me. Ugh what a pisser I used to LOVE Christmas. I wish the three ghosts of tenses could visit me. Let's see who could visit me from the past... like I guess that could be like the barista at Starbucks last night who I grimaced at because she was so surly. and the ghost of christmas present could be my drawing teacher because frankly I'm not entirely convinced she's not some kind of ghost. Finally, for Christmas future it could be the grim reaper because that's who it always is.

So anyway we could travel back to Christmas past to when this guy down the street put Charlie Brown on top of his roof. And I used to watch the Christmas specials on Nickolodeon and everything was so warm and cozy and you loved whatever you received and you were so excited about getting your family presents you always ended up telling them what they were.

Installment 2: never? haha.

Oh geez I'm tired.

Amanda! yeah it was so nice seeing you too I have definatly missed talking to you, have an extremely merry christmas in florida.

Sunday, December 19

But you’re dating the guy who should be my boyfriend

So I’m listening to Simon & Garfunkel which I haven’t done in a while but I figured it would be nice to get me off my “God Only Knows” kick. That’s the only song I have listened to for the last month and I suspect I might listen to it this month to. Actually now that I thought of it perhaps I will listen to it now. The dynamics of this song really can’t be beat. The opening cords, the tambourine in the background the words it just makes me swoon. And dance and want to love, you know I just fucking love it.

So I went to see Finding Neverland tonight, it was one of those movies that makes you want to think tomorrow is the first day of the rest of my life. Or makes you want to be a Buddhist and meditate all day. Or at least that’s what it did for me. But it did make me want to buy a journal so I could write and draw and record ideas for future projects as they pop into my head. You know because apparently I have forgotten that I could write for fun. Holly and I agree that we feel stupider then in high school, which seems a shame. Doesn’t matter. That’s my new catchphrase, well not so much catchphrase as thing I say a lot sometimes. List of things that have been replaced:
Yeah well
Can’t win them all

Talking is fun and so is hanging out with Amanda and Holly.

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