kat's korner

Sunday, October 30

My dog was lost.

My dog is lost, that's right ted turner.

I'm really upset about it. The last time we saw him was 8:00pm, and we've been driving around calling his name for the last 2 hours. We made posters. But I just hope he's ok. He's never slept outside in the cold before.

I think my parents are even more upset than I am.

And I have to get my motherfucking wisdom teeth out tomorrow. This is not a good week.

Sunday, October 23

and then i found 5 dollars.

I'm a terrible storyteller so all of my stories should end in that, but i'll keep this one to the point, I got out of my car in a parking lot today and found five dollars. It's in my purse.

I went out with Callie, Shane, Jenna, Bobby, and Megan last night it was alot of fun, but hopefully next week's halloween party will be even funner. funner should be a real word. I'm going as a flight attendent. Did I already write that?

In 12 hours they will be telling me when I'm getting my wisdom teeth out and I'm totally freaked out about it. I just hope they give me lots of good drugs.

And because callie tagged me... (an abridged version)

Four SNACKS I ENJOY: twizzlers, popcorn, grapes, pineapple

FIVE BAD HABITS:• eating too much, sleeping too much, talking too much, not talking at all, being a big dumb bitch

FIVE FAVORITE TV SHOWS: arrested development, golden girls, strangers with candy, oprah, law and order:svu

FIVE FICTIONAL CHARACTERS I WOULD DATE: GOB Bluth, Seth Cohen from the OC, Ritchie Tenenbaum, zach morris, ethan hawke in reality bites

FIVE PEOPLE I TAG: (I'm only doing two... because I am a loser, too) holly, becky

Friday, October 21

Sir you need what I already had

tonight i feel overwhelmed. i'm such a whiner.

I really must start these online classes. And I also really must figure out what I'm doing next semester. And preferably before that I really must get really shitfaced, becuase soberness makes me think to much.

Today was a really pleasant day. I went shopping and found some shoes. what up off broadway shoes. wha what

yeah and then I cleaned my brother's disgusting kitchen and saw goodnight and good luck which was only so so.

I'm excited about going to cafe tu tu tango this weekend. there's always an interesting time to be had when you hang out with callie.

I think i'm going to be a flight attendent for halloween. i've spent way too much money lately, and I'm just going to spend more this weekend. awesome. ughhh.

things that add up to me feeling overwhelmed tonight:

1. where to go to school
2. online courses
3. insurance next semester
4. work next sememster?
5. my feet going flat
6. money issues
7. the war
8. dental surgeon appointment monday
9. weight
10.the bird flu

Ahh the healing powers of list making. I feel better already.

Sunday, October 16

it is well, with my soul

a woman makes scrambled eggs for her husband one morning. he says I wanted my eggs fried. the next day she makes fried and he says that he wanted scrambled eggs. the third day she makes one fried egg and the other scrambled and he says: you scrambled the wrong one.

so this weekend I went on a cleaning frenzy. So you know I dare you search my room my closet, anywhere for one misplaced shoe, a hanger a spec of dust. You aren't going to find it mofo.

i saw corpse bride (yay) and elizabethtown (nay). I don't like Orlando Bloom. There I said it, he looks like the bird from the Rescuers and his American accent is atrocious.

Jeffrey finally came back to work yesterday, but I still need to find a job where I can have health insurance so you've got the ying and the yang.

I'm going down to Brunswick for Thanksgiving, which is all fine and well with me as long as I'm back in time for Dolly.

Did I tell you dearest blog that I'm going to see Dolly Parton? Because I am. And you can't stop me. But why would you want to? We just want the best for each other right?

3 things you didn't want t0 know about me (that may or may not be true):

1. I'm writing this in the nude
2. I've never watched a complete episode of the news
3. I bought a copy of the National Enquirer once because I just couldn't read it quickly enough

Monday, October 10

how do you do? my name is sue. NOW YOU'RE GONNA DIE

This morning I was walking out to my car on the deck and my feet slipped out from under me and I fell flat on my ass. It hurt alot, and I was really mad about it. What made things worse was my mother screaming hysterically because somehow she thought I had hit my head. My mother screaming "are you ok?" "are you ok" Me screaming "I fell on my ass, I just fell on my ass I'm fine" I'm glad the neighbors were already at work. And my butt still hurts.

I think Jeffrey quit (Aka the only thing that made work not miserable). Hence my work situation is quickly declining. Hence I must quit quickly. But I don't have anywhere to go to school in the spring. So I need to find a place to work that offers me health insurance.

On the brighter side: I'm tired and Arrested Development comes out tomorrow on dvd.

Great Scott is a visit the school thing. I'm watching hocus pocus, well it's just the very beginning this movie still creeps me out. I would probably have to say if it weren't for dog costumes and cute little kid costumes halloween is my least favorite holidays, so sinister.

I just saw Mary, which was nice, she was intown for fall break. oh to be young again.

Thursday, October 6

i ate popcorn for dinner bitches

i feel entirely dissconnected these days. I watch alot of the bob newhart show. that'll do it to you.

on the upside I have sold alot of mattresses lately.

Pieces of Important News:

1. I went to the dentist today.
2. I don't have any cavities today.
3. I have to get my wisdom teeth out in November.
4. I bought a hairdryer today
5. I picked up Becky and my's portraits today.
6. I bought a beautiful Free People skirt today
7. I saw North Country, it wasn't so hot.
8. I am going to Great Scott in November, at the suggestion of my brother's girlfriend
9. I got my hair cut today. Probably like 5 inches off but assholes don't notice.
10. I haven't seen you in a long time.

Well I haven't seen anyone in a long, long time, and I miss it. And it's all my fault. Today was busy. And I'm not a wild and crazy kid about my hair, it makes me look old not like let's go out and drink legally, but more old like let's go home and eat lean cuisine and stare at the cat. We'll see how the whole thing pans out.

Sunday, October 2

hello it's me i haven't blogged in a long long time

oh blog. so so so

I really like the song the title was snatched from. I'm concerned about lily. I just read callie's blog.

I had dinner with Mary on friday evening and it was loverly. Duke seems to be treating her well. My hair is all sorts of greasy.

It's cold in this very room, and my television is controlled by the devil. It turns itself on and off so I just had to unplug it. My life is poltergeist. Well hopefully not because I never saw the end, but I don't have a good feeling about it.

On the geneaology front: Turns out I'm distantly related to Ted Turner!!! So uncle Ted where's my part of TBS? Can I read the news on Cnn? What about season tickets? What's that you sold all of that? WTF uncle Ted? Ok I'll settle for a birthday check.

And I'm obsessed with him. I'm reading his biography, it's the most I've ever been interested in a member of my own family.

my hairdryer is broken. It only blows out cold air. Alot of good that does me. I'm getting my hair cut on Thursday how short only I know. No, that's not correct. I have no idea. Leave me a pleasant suggestion.

I thought I got Rosh Hashanah (Tuesday) off because I am jewish and all, but No Baby's Room I have to work. Oh I mixed it up again, I'm the only not-jewish person but still come on. Can't I have a sympathy pain day off? You get Christmas off.
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