kat's korner

Thursday, July 28

stuck inside mobile with a case of memphis blues

I passed two cars with vanity plates on my way to work this morning. It seems the title "Vanity Plate" would be enought to ward off any takers.

What would my vanity plate be?





hahaha yeah something like that. I hate vanity plates.

I watched the Law & Order SVU marathon last night on USA. Intriguing or boring? dum dum. Both?

This guy just called in wanting a "cabaaaaaana." He was from Missouri, but pronounced "cabana" like his native drink was jose curevo. It was hilarious. Guess I lost that order. oops. 400 dollars.  11:12 ugh roughly 4 more hours. Please come kill me. PLEASE.

Tuesday, July 26

Everyone knows everyone is invited to the hotel party. And that it will be fun. Lots of fun. Excruciating amounts of fun.

News on the life front:

Baby's Room gave me a raise. (woohoo- aka nicer drinks at the hotel party!)

I quit 4thebeach this morning but am working until August 2nd.

Still haven't started those online courses.

Tax free weekend coming up. woo woo. I need to buy some clothes for work.

This was an excruciatingly boring entry, and for that I apologize.

I'm on hold with UPS again. Just like the other 3 times today. Oh God. I hate you UPS lady with your "calming voice."

In conclusion:

come to the hotel party. I'll probably email out information because you know the internet is creepy. But I don't know any information, so you know it might be a while.


Monday, July 25

rest area

almost a week? That's weird.

Well last week was boring anyway. I worked everyday 9am to 4 and it sucked.

I don't know what I'm doing next fall still. But I think the Baby's Room might fire me because I accidentally gave them an ultamatum.

Is that how you spell that?

Oh and these online courses are definatly not working out. Turns out when you have 9 months to do something its really dificult to do anything, except lay in bed all day on the new mattress. So comfortable.

So I really need to find a place for this hotel party because that's coming up. Plans to follow. I'm really excited about it. I've never thought of myself as Katherine from the South, but I suppose it is really true. funny.

Happy Birthday Callie!

2:30? hmm.. Maybe I can leave work early and go shopping! Or go lay in bed more. haha.

Tuesday, July 19

It's quittin' time.

I eat at Wendy's more than any person should be allowed to. Both of my places of employment are within walking distance, if you had alot of time, or a less than 5 minute drive, and I don't even want to tally how many times I have eaten there this summer.

Right now I'm enjoying the delicacy known as french fries and frosty.

MMMM... hot fries.

I was going to stop eating breakfast and lunch, but I guess that didn't work out. oh well.

Last night I ate an M&M but when I tasted it I was totally shocked. This is what chocolate tastes like now? That's cool I guess.

Wow this whole entry has been about food. That's gross.

On to better less fat topics. If you didn't read the comments on my last post, do yourself a favor and do. They're funny. Really funny. And I already wrote a biography of Dale Earnhardt and started drinking during the day. 2 down 6 to go.

That Cher song from a few years ago just came on the radio. If memory serves I used to do a really good impression of this.

We should go karaoking. And John Saxe should write back about my fake id. And I should go pack some wonder wheelers.

Saturday, July 16

Let it Go.

let it go is my new mantra. Perhaps I will get a tat of it.

Today I realized what makes me happy. And even being closer to understanding that makes me happier. It's staying busy. Honestly, there is nothing like being overloaded to make me fulfilled. October is my favorite month because my calendar used to be filled during October. November is technically my favorite month becuase I like the sound of it.

Work six days a week and try to go out 5 or 6 nights a week? Yes! PLEASE!

Tonight was the first night I haven't been out doing something, and I feel strange and pathetic. Which leads me to the next question... What will I do next semester? This concerns me. When everyone else is back at school and I am here alone, living at home. The signs do not look good.

So I will have to come up with something to fill my nights:

List of potential activities:

1. bartending school
2. drugs
3. a druggie boyfriend
4. a class
5. an affair to remember
6. a boyfriend
7. a night job
8. exercise
9. alcoholism followed by AA meetings
10. a fake id

Yeah I don't know, but I will find something to fill up my days and nights, and all the end betweens.

Next week at work my boss is on vacation, which will be nice. And I think the toilet was finally fixed. Double plus!

Please leave any suggestions you have for cramming the time I have with activities. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Wednesday, July 13

the cadillac of blogs

So here I am at work.


So I've run out of things to do so here I am. Oh man its not even 10am yet.

I did run Monday morning. But I had to get to work at 9 today and yesterday, so running didn't fit into the schedule. oh well.

I figured out a way around UGA, I'm taking 9 hours online and then I'll take 3 more hours before the cutoff for fall semester, therefore rendering me a full time student!

Take that insurance assholes.

So last night I tried to watch Madea's Family Reunion from the creator of Diary of a Mad Black Woman, but it was too hard to watch so I gave up. It's so fucking hot in here. And I can't take off my clothes.

My boss is apparently thinking of selling the business, which would potentially leave me without a job, which I would be ok with. The rest of the summer without a 6-day-a-week job? Yes, please.

So I think this guy I just talked to on the phone is going to kill me. If I wind up dead, you know why. He was asking about shipping, but then he was like "are you the only one there", "where in atlanta are you?"

It's like I never saw Stranger Danger, I answered all his questions. oops.


Sunday, July 10

with friends like you who needs friends?

I didn't engage in any illegal activity today.

Sometimes I do sometimes I do, I'm a virtual chameleon. 

Today I lament the fact that I don't have a boyfriend.

I went shopping and decided to start running. So I am slated to start tomorrow. By writing this in a public forum I feel that I am less likely to be lazy and not run.

My kidneys hurt. I'm watching Rushmore.

My instant messenger keeps cutting off.

Just like every other Sunday I never want Monday to start.

Yes, the syphilis has finally gotten to my brain and has manifested in my newly found xisyelda.

That's how they should spell dyslexia so it can be an onemonepia. is that the correct device? I can't remember.

I wish I lived in a Wes Anderson movie.

And on a final note: Andy Wilson isn't stupid, I was born before the cutoff date. I should have graduated in 2005, but my teachers were like ehhh fuck it let her go. There is no shame in Pre-K. haha. And I enjoy reading his blog which can be found here.

"There's glass between us"


Are you on an all carb diet?

yeah i washed my hair and yeah i got really mad which led to me flicking my boss off twice today, which actually isn't that rare of an occurence. Actually he offered me a raise if I work there in the fall. But I dont really want to. Or do I?

Do you realize that Andy Wilson and I will be the same age for a month?

Do you realize that I'm watching a British movie, and I picked it my mistake?

I wish my life was more like a soap opera in the sense that I had a boyfriend and evil twins, etc.

Do you realize that you have the most beautiful face?

Do you realize we're floating in space?

I was The Island tonight, it wasn't the worst movie I've ever seen.

So I need to take my contacts out so I think I might just throw them out and not even touch my case because i believed I opened the in Athens. Yep that's it. I'm that lazy now apparently.

Friday, July 8

blog of a compacent caucasion lady


madea is my favorite character.

What up quickest week ever?

What up me saying "what up"?

God my hair is greasy.

I went shopping today and bought alot of crap I should return.

It was all because I figured out that I have no idea what I'm doing for school. So I was going to take 12 hours online so I could stay on the insurance, but now UGA is like NO BITCH you can only take 9 hours so you can only be considered part-time. So now I don't know what I'm going to do except roll around in the clothes I bought. And then withdraw my bank account in ones and roll around in them.

I want to go swimming.

I'm wearing a wife beater right now. And watching Ben Stiller again.

On the next installment:

Will Katherine's Ben Stiller DVDs ever end?

Will Katherine decide where to go to school?

Will Katherine get mad?

Will she ever wash her hair?

Tuesday, July 5

if i could save time in a large bottle

Yesterday was the 4th of july, to celebrate becky and I watched Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice I highly recommend it.

I was supposed to be at work at 11 am today. I woke up at 10:58am. I took a shower and left the house at 11:04am.

I have to go to the Braves game tonight. I'm extremely tired.

I bought a do-it-yourself french manicure kit, but used it while drunk... not a good idea. I need to fix that.

Ok yeah a nap would be good.

Now I'm watching another Dudley Moore movie, in my quest to see every Dudley Moore movie except "10", which I WILL NEVER WATCH. Hear that Bo Derek I will never watch you.

Saturday, July 2

put a chair here al pacino

i bought a chiar from the baby's room. Actually I'm sitting in it now, and watchng the Ben Stiller show. I wonder if my Dad ever got home from buyin Malox.

I'm so tired.

I bought the "W" magazine with Brad and Angelina on it.

I'm watching the Ben Stiller show right now. Wait I already said that.

Too tired to backspace.

Ummm yes Cait if you are reading this I am SOOOO very excited for you to come to town on August 5th. In fact I believe I shall throw a party, in honor of it and so you can meet all of my friends, or at least the sketch ones. So there it is everyone is invited August 5th the creepiest cheapest motel I can find. And YOU ARE INVITED!!!

Oh yes to address Amanda's comment Mary's thing was nice. And that's as nice as I can be about it. Like I said when I was there, it was a 10 year reunion 9 years too early.

TWO WHOLE DAYS WITHOUT WORK!!!! I'm so excited. I don't know when the last time that happened? I think to celebrate I wont get out of bed tomorrow. I'm really tired.

dig me out

here's a tip: Never eat a plate full of sweedish meatballs before you go to a concert.

So I did two very exciting things today:

1. I went to Ikea. And it was awesome. The picture of efficiency.
2. I went to see Sleater-Kinney. And it was awesome.

I love the sweedes and sleater-kinney, but how oh how can I bring my two loves together again?
Click here to get any of my CDs for $1