fatsuits and oprah and me and david o'russell
in my 3d class we're making wire extensions of our bodies. The other kids in my class are doing gothic wings and peacock headresses...
im doing a fatsuit!
well its more of a pregnancy belly with some junk in the trunk. I'm going to make it really sturdy so I can wear it over oversized clothing later.
in a few minutes I'm going to see 3 Kings directed by David O'Russell who did Huckabees, so that should be good.
today before I went to class I was watching oprah and it was about swingers so i really wanted to go to class late but then i found a tape so im pretty excited to see it. ill never look at my neighbors the same way again.
every time i'm on my way to the shower I'm like geez don't forget to shave don't forget to shave and then I always do. I always realize I forgot when I'm toweling off though so I really could, but then the towel would be all soggy and you know my hair would be all cold, and I just don't really think its worth that. But in art history today we were looking at this feather this guy made completely from his back hair so I guess if I forget enough I can turn it into an art project.